
Ethereum Execution Service (EES) is an open protocol for automating smart contract execution on Ethereum and its L2s.

Dive in!

Made forbuilders

Create applications on EES and benefit from out-of-box time-based automation. It only requires making a contract containing the logic you want to automate. Then, creating jobs is easy with a single call to the EES contract and is simplified with the EES SDK.

interface IApplication {
  // Called upon execution
  function onExecuteJob(
    uint256 _index,
    address _owner
    uint96 _executionNumber
  ) external;

  // Called upon creation
  function onCreateJob(
    uint256 _index,
    bytes1 _executionModule,
    address _owner,
    bytes calldata _inputs
  ) external;

  // Called upon deletion
  function onDeleteJob(
    uint256 _index,
    address _owner
  ) external;


Don't rely on a single centralized service provider - EES utilizes an open and incentivized network of executors to make sure your users' transactions are executed reliably.

Become anExecutor

Help strenghten the network by running an executor bot. Execution fees are fairly distributed between executors to financially incentivize participation through pure on-chain cooridnation.

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Your usersdeserve thebest UX in web3

EES gives end users complete control over their jobs. Users do not have to lock up any tokens and can pay fees in any token. The protocol sets the stage for unparalleled user experience enabling a new category of web3 applications to reach mass adoption via one-click automation.

Build on
web3 native

Why use blockchain if your overlying infrastructure is centralized? Building on EES means building on decentralized infrastructure which istransparent, permissionless, immutable, and community owned.



The EES protocol is completely open source. It is also deployed and verified on-chain making sure that anyone can verify what they are interacting with.

Modularized& future proof

The EES protocol is modularized by design - all logic around execution and fees is contained in execution modules and fee modules respectively. This allows developers to select which execution modules to support for their application and users to choose which fee module to use on a job by job basis. Modularization also allows progressively adding new modules while keeping existing ones immutable.



Executes a job at a specific time and then repeats in a fixed interval. This can be used for both single or periodical execution.



Calculates execution fee as an increasing linear function between a minimum and maximum.



Execution fee is a multiple of the network's base fee. The multiplier increases linearly over time.

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